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After significant advances in IVF treatment in England, the development of various therapies for groups of patients for whom IVF treatment could not provide a solution was started. To address the problem of ovarian failure, which is one of the main causes of female infertility, egg donation or, as it is best known, egg donation (OD) treatment began to offer very serious solutions to patients. Just 6 years after IVF fertilization, in 1984, a child was born in the United States through pregnancy with OD (egg donation). So, what is egg donation, for whom it is provided, who are the egg donors, where is this treatment carried out, who the child will look like, what are the chances of success.

Who is suitable for egg donation

  • Women without ovaries.
  • Couples with repeated IVF failure
  • Women with premature ovarian failure.
  • Women who are advised to take advantage of oocyte donation due to genetic problems.
  • Women whose ovaries have been damaged by chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer-like conditions.
  • Older women who have experienced menopause.
  • Those who are carriers of a genetic or chromosomal disease.

Who are egg donors?

The egg donor is determined in accordance with the standards set by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the country where the IVF center is located. After investigation and evaluation of criteria such as age, height, weight, psychological tests, chromosome analysis, thalassemia test and infectious disease tests, as well as other tests required in accordance with international standards, the stock of eggs is selected from among healthy people that meet desired criteria.

Donors are between the ages of 20-30, with the principle of preference for the youngest age, anonymous donor and anonymous mother-to-be, where the donor's and mother-to-be's identity is stored. confidentiality, personal information is kept safe, and donor candidates are identified by the American and European Reproductive Health Authorities ASRM and ESHRE, respectively. Only those who can fulfill the necessary conditions after the necessary tests for all types of physical, mental and health examinations can be donors. After the eggs obtained from donors who have successfully passed these stages are fertilized with sperm and become embryos, they are transferred to the expectant mother.

How is the donor determined after the egg donation procedure?

Of all donors who have fulfilled all the mandatory conditions, a donor suitable for classification is selected. After carrying out the necessary donor tests, the most suitable donor is selected in accordance with the blood type, ethnic origin (Nationality), height, hair color, eye color, skin color and additional characteristics that the expectant mother asks for.

What are the success rates for egg donation treatment?

Egg donation treatment allows many couples to have their own children, which they have been waiting for for many years. The greatest success is achieved due to the young donor age, the high number and quality of embryos, when healthy eggs meet with sperm, as well as the fact that the endometrium of the expectant mother is not stimulated unnecessarily. Egg donation treatments have a higher success rate (85 % success) than conventional IVF.

Egg Donation Treatment and Cyprus

Cyprus is the strongest alternative to egg donation.
As Ewa İvf, we provide consulting services for the selection of the most successful and reliable IVF center in Cyprus.

Egg donation stages

  • Pairing
  • Egg donor preparation
  • Buyer preparation
  • Oocyte collection (OPU)
  • Fertilization and embryo transfer
  • Pregnancy test


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