Sperm donation (SD Sperm Donation)
The causes of male infertility arise in proportion to 50% of infertility. Sperm donation treatment is obtaining sperm from a bank in cases where a man is not fashionable to have children with his own sperm. However, for expectant mothers who want to be a single mother without the need for a partner, sperm donation is becoming the preferred method every day.
Who is sperm donation suitable for?
• Azoospermia (absence of sperm) - inability to obtain sperm after micTESE or TESE procedures
• Poor IVF treatment outcomes due to sperm quality
• Carrier of a genetic disease that cannot be studied in embryos.
• A viral disease of a man's sperm that cannot be cured.
• Detection of a severe chromosomal abnormality in semen
• Isoimmunization in a woman's previous pregnancy due to RH + in a man.
• A woman wants to be a single mother
• Medical problems such as varicocele, obstructive azoospermia, and non-obstructive azoospermia.
• Ejaculation problems such as reverse ejaculation, infection, or an antibiotic reaction that causes the antibiotic to attack your semen.
• Tumors and other medical problems related to a physical condition, including physical injury and undescended testes.
• Hormonal problems or chromosomal defects.
• Problems such as tube defects that limit the ability to safely convert sperm.
Sperm donation stages
• Pairing
• Determination of criteria for a sperm donor
• OPU for oocyte retrieval
• Fertilizer
• Transfer
Who can donate sperm?
The donor is determined in accordance with the standards set by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the country where the IVF Center is located. Extensive tests are performed such as age, height, weight, psychological tests, chromosome analysis, thalassemia test and infectious disease tests, as well as other tests required by international standards, the sperm count and quality are selected from among healthy people. that meet the desired criteria. Donors are in the 20-30 year age range, paying attention to being as young as possible, with the principle of anonymous donor and anonymous mother-to-be, where the donor and mother-to-be's identity is stored. confidentiality, personal information is kept secure, and the donor candidate is determined by the American and European Reproductive Health Authorities ASRM and ESHRE, respectively. Only those who can fulfill the necessary conditions after the necessary tests for all types of physical, mental and health examinations can be donors.
The sperm received from donors, and successfully passed all stages, and the eggs taken from the expectant mother are fertilized and turned into embryos, they are transferred to the future mother.
Sperm are selected according to the desired characteristics and are taken from the world's leading sperm banks.
How is a sperm donor determined?
After the necessary tests of the donor candidate are carried out, the selection of the appropriate donor is ensured in accordance with the blood type, ethnicity (millennial), height, hair color, eye color, skin color and additional characteristics requested by the expectant mother.
Also, at the request of the expectant mother, physical, cultural, educational, etc. Features can be added.
Sperm donation success rates
Sperm donation promises very high success rates compared to classic IVF treatment. However, the age of the expectant mother is of great importance in the treatment of sperm donation.
Although this figure is about 60% for expectant mothers between the ages of 20 and 30, you need to know that it is 20 % for women aged 40 and over.
With this opportunity, more and more couples and expectant mothers are opting for sperm donation treatment in order to have children. As Ewa ivf we will always be with you on this journey
Sperm Donation and CYPRUS Treatment
Cyprus is the strongest alternative to egg donation.
As Ewa İvf, we provide consulting services for the selection of the most successful and reliable IVF center in Cyprus.