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IVF treatment has been a great hope for couples who want to have a child but cannot achieve this without treatment. From past to present, it has deeply affected many couples who want to have a child but cannot. After long scientific studies, successful and unsuccessful attempts, the first baby was born in England in 1978 with in vitro fertilization treatment.

Thanks to this treatment, which is a great source of hope for couples with in vitro fertilization treatment and different treatment groups developed depending on it, the fears of not having a child have been left behind. As the EWA IVF family, we will always be with you on this journey. Now let's examine the concepts together.

What is infertility?

According to the World Health Organization data, infertility; The condition of not getting pregnant despite the fact that the couples have had an unprotected intercourse for 12 months is called infertility, and these couples are called infertile couples.

What are the infertility rates in Turkey?

Our country, where one out of every 7 couples cannot reproduce naturally and needs assisted reproductive techniques, is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of countries where IVF treatment is performed.

What are the Causes of Infertility?

When examined in terms of infertility causes; Female causes 40%, male causes 40% and unexplained infertility 20% . In the light of all this information, infertility is a disease that is caused by male and female causes, affects millions of people all over the world, and has a solution in many areas, especially in vitro fertilization treatment.

What are the causes of female infertility?

  • Clogged Tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( Pcos )
  • Early Menopause
  • Menstrual Disorders
  • Trioid Disorders
  • Intrauterine disorders

What are the causes of male infertility?

Negative effects such as low or no sperm count, Varicocele, Undescended testis, Hormonal disorders, previous febrile diseases, blows to the testicles, exposure to chemicals due to working conditions, etc.

  • Varicocele
  • Undescended Testicle
  • Hormonal Disorders
  • previous febrile illness
  • Blows to the testicles
  • Negative conditions such as chemicals exposed to depending on working conditions

In Vitro Fertilization ( IVF )

Long-term studies and studies have been carried out in many different countries in the world in the field of IVF treatment. The first IVF treatment as we know it, was born in 1978 in England, Louise BROWN. In our country, the first in vitro baby was born at Ege University on April 18, 1989.

IVF Treatment ( IVF ) and its stages

The process of fertilization of the eggs of the mother-to-be with the sperm of the father-to-be in a laboratory environment outside the body is called IVF.
IVF treatment will proceed in roughly 4 stages. Hormone Stimulation, Egg Collection (OPU), Fertilization and Transfer
This process, which covers the first day of the mother's menstrual period and the following days, includes different processes and follow-up processes, starting with the stimulation of hormones until the day of transfer, and normally covers a time of around 20 days. In some cases, it can be in cases called a short protocol covering 15 - 16 days. The determining factor here is the condition of the expectant mother and the treatment protocol to be determined by our doctor who administers the treatment that follows her. Since each IVF mother-to-be has a different story, background and experience, personalized IVF treatment is the way to success.

Success rates of IVF treatment

Although the success rates of IVF treatment differ for age groups, they vary between 25% and 40%. As the age of the expectant mother increases, this rate decreases, especially after the age of 35, the rates begin to decrease, and decrease considerably after the age of 40. It is of great importance that expectant mothers preferred to freeze their eggs at younger ages in order to change this negativity.


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