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This treatment provides an embryo from a donor egg and donor sperm to the couples who cannot utilize their own ovaries and sperm. The fertilized embryo is the solution for untreatable infertility. Embryo Donation treatment can also be an option for the women who wish to be single mothers.

Determining the Donor After the Treatment

Since Embryo Donation includes 2 different donors, it is very important to scrutinize information, and evaluate options with both candidates. The baby may have his/her own parents’ characteristics. If requested, changes can be made in height, hair, and eye colour.

Matching Process

The candidate donor takes the necessary tests. Then; blood type, ethnicity, height, hair, eye,and skin colour are being selected by the candidate mother in addition to her specific demands. Therefore, the matching is provided with the most proper donor.
Embryo Donation offers more options for choosing physical features of the babies. It is commonly preferred by the families especially whose ages are over 40.

Success Rates of Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation provides many couples their longing babies. Since the donors are young, high quality embryos are fertilized from their eggs and sperm.

Embryo Donation and The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Our team is giving consultation in deciding the most reliable and prominent centers in The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in which Embryo Donation is provided.


A strong step towards your healthy future

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