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Surrogacy means getting pregnant and carrying a child for other persons who will become the child’s parents after the birth.

In case of absence of the uterus or having a uterine anomaly, the embryo is transferred to another woman. The embryo is acquired via joining the couples’ ovaries and sperm in a laboratory dish. The woman who carries the baby of another couple is called “Surrogate Mother”.

It is not a must utilizing the couples’ eggs and sperm during this treatment. Families may evaluate, and may choose any kind of donation.

Surrogacy and The Baby’s DNA

Does a surrogate mother share her DNA with the baby? No, the baby’s DNA comes from his/her mother and father. This is a common question which leads to misunderstanding. The baby will look like his/her parents.

The Process of Determining a Surrogate Mother

It is very important to select the most proper professional surrogate mother. The family may choose a relative as well as a professional surrogate mother according to their own needs.

Surrogacy has to be supervised carefully. IVF centers and the experts in the field will ease the responsibilities during the process by making it controllable.

The surrogacy contract guides the entire surrogacy journey, clearly outlining each party’s rights, roles, before, during, and after the pregnancy.

Whar are the Requirements for Being a Surrogate Mother?
A woman must:
Be young and healthy (without a chronic or contagious disease).
Be smoke and drug free.
Have a healthy Body Mass Index.

A woman who does not consume alcohol, who delivered a healthy child before, who did not have gestational diabetes, and who did not experience preeclampsia can be a surrogate mother.

A woman should psychologically, mentally, and socially ready to be a surrogate mother.

Preparing a Surrogate Mother

Preparing a candidate surrogate mother for the pregnancy is a comprehensive process. Gynecological examinations, and blood tests are done. The candidate’s psychological situation is evaluated in order to check if she is ready to become pregnant. The schedule is determined by her menstrual cycle. Regular ultrasound scans are done. When the candidate’s uterus is ready, the embryo is transferred. Mainly frozen embryos are utilized. If there are not any, the couple’s IVF treatment is synchronously planned with the preparations of surrogate mother’s uterus. Fertilized embryos are conveyed on a proper day.

Who can Benefit from Surrogacy?

  • Women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome. This condition causes the vagina, and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent.
  • Women whose uteri were surgically removed.
  • Women with Asherman’s Syndrome.
  • Women whose pregnancy or delivery is risky. (Heart diseases, Lung diseases, coagulation)
  • Women with congenital anomalies.
  • A woman who does not wish to give a birth because of social or personal reasons.
  • Surrogacy is also used to prevent repeated miscarriages.
  • We would like to remind that Egg Donation and Sperm Donation patients may also benefit from surrogacy when it is needed, or requested.


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